The BIC at the France BIo-Imaging Days

As you known the BIC belongs to the Bordeaux Node of the national infrastructure France Bio-Imaging (FBI). FBI is an Infrastructure in Biology and Health (INBS) laureate in 2011 of the national Program “Investissements d’Avenir” (PIA-ANR) in the field of biological imaging.
This unique coordinated infrastructure gathers several large biological imaging facilities and laboratories specializing in R&D for imaging in France. To know more about FBI, please visite the website:
On December 13th and 14th 2023, some BIC engineers participate to the FBI Annual Meeting,  hosted by the  FBI Toulouse Node at the Centre de Biologie Intégrative of the Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier.
Guillaume was there, since involved in work package Data Management. Christel, Etienne and Melina belongs to the working group core facility and they had a special meeting to discuss about the future organization of the group.
Fabrice is mission officer for the training.  He presented advances in content generation for MOOC training in the three axes of photonic microscopy, electron microscopy and image analysis.
Christel presented the technology transfer, financed by FBI in 2021, of the single molecule based high content screening from the team of Jean-Bapstiste Sibarita (IINS, UMR 5297, Bordeaux) to the photonic unit of the BIC.
The second day was dedicated to the presentation of the Toulouse node and scientific session around mechanobiology, one of the Toulouse node favourite thematic.
If you want to know more about high content screening , training MOOC or data management, don’t hesitate to contact the photonic unit of the BIC!!