Rates Bordeaux Imaging Center

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Photonic Microscopy Unit


Services Techniques Quantity € HT Academic € HT Private sector or non-nationals
Sample preparation (only for 2 trials) Clearing (i-DISCO or CUBIC) Per sample 25 50
Expansion Microscopy Per sample 10 20
Training (price per user) Clearing (i-DISCO or CUBIC) and Expansion Microscopy 4h 120 240
Microscopy 3h 120 240
Upgrade 1.5h 60 120
Analysis software* 1h 40 80
Use of systems Widefield microscopy and Macroscopy 1h 12 24
Confocal microscopy and TIRF 1h 24 48
Widefield or confocal microscopy + FRAP or LIFA 1h 24 48
Multiphoton or lattice light-sheet microscopy 1h 48 96
STED microscopy 1h 60 120
Image analysis (commercial softwares) 1h 6 12
Imaris satellite license 1 day 18 36
Slice preparation 1h 6 12
Engineer service Image acquisition 1h 240 480
Image analysis (contact us for a quote) 1h 30 60

*Charged analysis software trainings for Imaris, PALM Tracer, Tesseler and PoCA.

Degressive rates proposed on the facility are (applied for each 4-month billing period) :

50% discount on widefield and confocal microscopy from 100 hours of acquisition.

50% discount on 2-photon and LLS microscopy from 40 hours of acquisition.

30% discount on overnight (from 8 pm to 8 am) and over the weekends acquisitions (from Friday at 8 pm to Monday 8 am).

The specific rates of the slide scanner Nanozoomer are the followings :

Acquisition mode Type € HT Academic € HT Private sector or non-nationals
Training 1.5 hours 60 120
Single Per hour 18 36
Batch From 0 to 10 slides 60 120
From 11 to 20 slides 108 216
From 21 to 30 slides 156 312
From 31 to 50 slides 192 384
From 51 to 100 slides 240 480
From 101 to 210 slides 360 720

Electron Microscopy Unit

Prestations Techniques Type € HT Academic € HT Private sector or non-nationals
Sample preparation Conventional sample preparation By sample Contact us Contact us
Ultra-thin sections with double positive contrast By sample Contact us Contact us
Negative staining By sample Contact us Contact us
High pressure freezing 10 samples Contact us Contact us
Cryosubstitution 10 samples Contact us Contact us
Cryo-sectionning By sample Contact us Contact us
Fixation-deshydratation for SEM By sample Contact us Contact us
Dessication By sample Contact us Contact us
Metal Sputtering By 6 samples Contact us Contact us
Immunostaining Contact us Contact us
Use of systems Transmission electron microscopy 120kV (H7650) 1h 50 70
Transmission electron microscopy 200kV (Talos) 1h 70 100
Scanning electron microscopy (Gemini SEM300 / Quanta 200) 1h 50 70
Cryo-SEM (Gemini SEM300) 1h 55 80
Serial Block Face Imaging (Gemini SEM300) 1h contact us contact us
Ultramicrotome 1h 10 15
Cryo-ultramicrotome (UC7-FC7) 1h 35 50
Training Electron microscopy Flat rate 250
Upgrade 1h 50
Theoric 1h 60

Plant Imaging Unit

Type Equipment or technique Duration € HT Academic € HT Private sector or non-nationals
Sample preparation Chemical fixation 1 sample type 20 40
HPF ICE Leica 5 shoots 80 160
AFS 5 days 150 300
Immuno-labelling 5 grids / 1 slide 15 30
Vibrated blade Microtome 1h 8 16
Microtome Microm 35S 1h 11 22
Ultra-microtome UC7 (diamond from PIV) 1h 20 40
Ultra-microtome UC7 (diamond from user) 1h 12 24
INTAVIS 1 batch Contact us Contact us
Photonic microscopy Macroscope Zeiss Axiozoom 1h 8 16
Widefield microscope Zeiss AxioImager 2 1h 14 28
Confocal microscope Zeiss LSM 880 1h 27 54
Fluorocam batch Contact us Contact us
Electron microscopy TEM FEI Tecnai Spirit 120kV – Conventional 1h 27 54
TEM FEI Tecnai Spirit 120kV – Tomography 5h 126 252
TEM FEI Tecnai Spirit 120kV – Cryo 5h 140 280