Maxime presented his work at Focus On Microscopy 2024

At Focus On Microscopy 2024, held in Genoa from 24 to 27 March, Maxime, post-doctoral fellow at BIC, had the opportunity to present his project with “Super-resolution imaging in thick samples using lattice light-sheet microscopy”.

He shown the latest results about combination of SMLM imaging, with DNA-PAINT approach and adaptive optics to correct optical aberrations, on lattice light-sheet microscope.

In collaboration with Magali Mondin, Angela Getz, Mathieu Ducros and Imagine Optic, 3D-SMLM was demonstrated using PSF shaping method, and the feasibility of nano-organization imaging inside spines was illustrated with glutamate receptors imaging.

These advancements open new perspectives to image within brain slices at nanoscale.

Thanks to the FOM2024 organizers for giving Maxime, and the BIC, the opportunity to present one of the platform’s development projects!