Demonstration of the Leica EM GP2 Plunge Freezing System

At the BIC, we are able to cryo-fixate samples by plunge freezing to observe cells by cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET).

Cryofixation with the Leica EM GP2 is performed in liquid ethane after blotting with paper filter from one side of the EM grid, which makes this automatic plunge freezing system optimal for the study of thin living specimen (flat cells, bacteria, viruses…).

The plunge freezer EM GP2 from LEICA will be in demonstration at the BIC Photonic Unit from 16th of October to 16th of November.

If you want to test it on your samples, please contact Noémie or Monica.

Leica EM GP2 // Example of cryo-ET on neurons: identification of axonal buttons and its components.
© Noémie Pied et Robin Anger