Register for the day dedicated to bio-imaging in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

On November 30, starting at 9 a.m., the BIC, in collaboration with IINS, the alpha RLH cluster (Pôle de compétitivité Photonique et Hyperfréquences en Nouvelle-Aquitaine ) and France Bio-Imaging ( ), will be organizing a day dedicated to cellular imaging using photonic microscopy in Aquitaine.
This event will take place in the amphitheater of the Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine building, and will bring together the main players in the field. Presentations, poster sessions and social events will provide a good opportunity for discussion.
It will bring together imaging specialists from the fields of oncology, neuroscience and plant sciences, as well as optics specialists from the academic and private sectors.
If you’re interested in meeting local experts in photonic imaging, sign up for this day of meetings and discussions!!
It is open to everyone who want to know more about cellular imaging, optics new developpement, image analysis. It is free but registration is mandatory.