
Femtonics 2-photon Microscope (in vivo or ex vivo)


Femtonics FEMTO3D-RC

Microscope equipped with

1 LED source (with 4 LEDs), 4 filters sets (DAPI, GFP, mCherry and Cy5 filters), 1 sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu Orca Flash 2.8)

2 femtosecond lasers: Coherent Chameleon Vision 2 & Spark Alcor 1064 nm usable simultaneously with 2 scanners (1 resonant & 1 galvanometric) for simultaneous imaging and photostimulation.

2 positions objective slider (available objectives: Nikon 5X dry, Olympus 20X 1.0 W & Nikon 25X 1.1 W)

2 upper GaAsP NDD detectors + 2 lower GaAsP NDD detectors, with GFP and mCherry filter sets. 1 trans PMT with Dodt contrast

Motorized stage allowing to use tissue slices or entire animals (mouse or rat).
Anesthesia system available for in vivo imaging.

Z-stack imaging: Objective piezo system for a fast and precise scan in z with the possibility to scan 3D regions of interest

Different devices triggered by the microscope:
Electrophysiology devices (2 motorized micromanipulators Luigs and Neumann, Amplifier and Digitizer Axon Instruments, Master 8)
1 external LED at 595 nm with optical fibers for opto-genetics experiments

Acquisition modes

Acquisitions in 2P mode on galvo scanner with/without photomanipulation and electrophysiology

Acquisitions in 2P mode on resonant scanner with/without photomanipulation and electrophysiology

Acquisitions in widefield mode on sCMOS camera


Observation of tissue slices or entire animals

Photomanipulation: uncaging, photo-activation, optogenetic, etc...

Possible coupling with electrophysiology for electrical stimulation or Ephys recording

Photonic imaging